awesome Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs hit cool music The End cheap Messengers 2: The Scarecrow hot

awesome Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs hit cool music The End cheap Messengers 2: The Scarecrow hot

awesome Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs hit cool music The End cheap Messengers 2: The Scarecrow hot

awesome Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs hit cool music The End cheap Messengers 2: The Scarecrow hot

awesome Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs hit cool music The End cheap Messengers 2: The Scarecrow hot

awesome Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs hit cool music The End cheap Messengers 2: The Scarecrow hot

awesome Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs hit cool music The End cheap Messengers 2: The Scarecrow hot

awesome Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs hit cool music The End cheap Messengers 2: The Scarecrow hot

awesome Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs hit cool music The End cheap Messengers 2: The Scarecrow hot


Conference programme
CEPE 2009 Conference programme has been announced . Click here.
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CEPE 2009 - Eighth International Computer Ethics Conference
Aegean Airlines flights cancelled (25.06.2009)

Aegean Airlines Flight A3402/A3403 on Thursday 25 June 2009 has been cancelled due toAir Traffic Control personnel strike. Click here for more information.

Conference Dinner - Transport arrangements

Buses will pick up conference participants in front of the Corfu Palace Hotel, at the bay, 20.30pm, Friday 26 June 2009. Please be there on time.

Important notice

Due to the upcoming OECD Summit in Corfu, on the same dates as the conference, strict security measures are expected. Conference participants who plan to arrive at the Ionian Academy by car are strongly advised to avoid this, as far as possible. They are also advised, if necessary, to take a taxi which will leave participants as close as possible to the Academy, as there will be parking problems.

It is best to arrive early in the morning, at least at eight o' clock and park somewhere along the bay or if possible, at the parking in the grand piazza. Walking is preferable by far. Please allow reasonable time for parking and walking to the Academy because we still do not know the traffic rules for these days. Please enter the town center early in the morning.

Seminar programme online
The programme of the 2nd International Seminar on Information Law 2009 has been announced. You can find it here.
Piano Recital - Lambis Vassiliadis

Saturday 27 June, 2009
21.00, Ionian Academy
Beethoven, Shubert

CEPE participants may enter the recital free.

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5th International Conference on Information Law 2012 - ICIL 2012

5th International Conference on Information Law 2012 - ICIL 2012

5th International Conference on Information Law 2012 - ICIL 2012

When: June 29-30, 2012
Where: Corfu, Greece

Clich here for more information.

Important Notice

CEPE2009 Proceedings have been published. Please send your postal address to Maria Bottis via email at botti[at]  to receive them by post.

CEPE 2009 photos

Take a look at CEPE 2009 conference photos here.