Reaching for the Stars, Galaxies and beyond: the Astronomer and the Artist Strive to Redefine our Boundaries.

Reaching for the Stars, Galaxies and beyond: the Astronomer and the Artist Strive to Redefine our Boundaries.    

Thirty years of images gleaned from telescopes and extraterrestrial probes have changed our understanding of the universe and in consequence cosmological ideas.

This talk will consider how, with new scientific technology, cosmological masks have tumbled revealing hidden and previously unknown knowledge as our visual horizon fans outwards.  This knowledge also shatters previously held concepts, and assumptions while confirming some wild predictions.  Mankind finds itself grappling to understand this swiftly and continually unfurling cosmos and therefore wishes to pinpoint and perhaps stabilize its rapidly modified home and its address within it.

Illustrated with different artistic expressions, this presentation aims to show how artists interpret these cosmological findings, to leave their cultural, philosophical and temporal stamp for future generations. 

“The more I examine the universe and study the details of its architecture, the more evidence I find that the universe, in some sense, must have known we were coming” Freeman Dyson (1923-2020)

Lynn Lyon

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INSAP 2024

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