The Hum of the Universe # 2

The Hum of the Universe #2

Marea Atkinson

Marea Atkinson Studio Australia


Pythagoras speculated that objects in our solar system radiated a distinctive sound based on their individual orbital revolutions. In recent decades NASA has confirmed that sound does exist in the form of electronic vibrations. We can listen to recordings of charged electromagnetic particles from the planetary magnetosphere, the ionosphere, solar wind and elsewhere.

 This recent confluence of space and sound gives a new understanding, perception and inspiration for further examination.  How have visual artists and musicians responded? There will be specific discussion of selected art works in installation and music and the relationship with sound and space.

As a main component a corresponding artwork by Marea Atkinson, ‘The Humming of the Universe #2' will focus on a voyage into outer space, inspired by imagery taken by the James Webb telescope, experimentations with sound electronic music and spoken word, contained within an electronic textile work/s that when touched will emit voice, musical compositions, and sounds from space.  These short sound notations can be played individually, in combination or can be left in silence. 

Marea Atkinson

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INSAP 2024

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