John Hatch

Dr. John G. Hatch is associate professor of art history in the Department of Visual Arts at Western University in London Ontario where he teaches modern art and design. He received his doctorate from the University of Essex in art history and theory. His area of research is twentieth-century European and American art and theory, with a particular interest in the points of convergence between art and science. His articles have examined the work of Robert Smithson, Cindy Sherman, Francis Bacon, El Lissitzky, František Kupka, Shi Zhiying, amongst others, and most recently the role of space and time in De Stijl architecture and design. Dr. Hatch is the author of monographs on the Canadian landscape artists Paterson Ewen and Kazuo Nakamura, with a forthcoming title looking at the paintings of Doris McCarthy.

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Touching the Universe: Backyard Science Projects in Contemporary Art

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