Joanna Popielska - Grzybowska

Associate Professor Dr. at the Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures, Polish Academy of Sciences; holds a PhD in Egyptology (2007) from the University of Warsaw, Institute of Archaeology and a Habilitation from the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology, Polish Academy of Sciences. She is an Egyptologist philologist and archaeologist. Presently is the Head of the Publishing Department, IMOC PAS.

PUBLICATIONS: 3 monographs: Everything as One. A linguistic concept of the Egyptian Creator in the Pyramid Texts, Warsaw – Wiesbaden 2020; The Pyramid Texts – the oldest Egyptian “book” carved in stone (in Polish), Warsaw 2021; The Pyramid Texts. An in-depth introduction/De Piramideteksten. Een diepgaande introductie, forthcoming; chapters in 26 monographs, over 50 published scientific articles, several popular science publications in Polish, English, Portuguese and Italian.

MEMBERSHIP: International Association of Egyptologists since 1998; Polish Society of African Studies since 2010; a charter member of the Society EDUCARE since 2013; International Society for Ethnology and Folklore since 2014; nominated correspondent researcher of the Portuguese Centre for Global History, NOVA Uni, Lisboa since November 2015. 

ORGANISER: 21 international conferences and has served as EDITOR for 25 volumes of scientific publications.

AWARDS: Award of Rector and ATENA Educational-Scientific Society, Pułtusk Academy of Humanities (2011, 2014); The honorary title of senior research fellow of The Ancient Egypt Foundation (2019).

SCIENTIFIC INTERESTS: religious texts, the Pyramid Texts and the Coffin Texts in particular, cosmology, linguistic worldview studies, comparative translations of ancient texts, philosophy of religion, as well as the reception of Egyptology.

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Luminous air sowed as stars – astronomical imagery in ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts

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