Leonid Marsadolov

Marsadolov Leonid Sergeevich in 1973-1978 studied at the Faculty of History of St. Petersburg State University with a degree in Historian, Archaeologist. After graduation in 1978, he was admitted to full-time graduate school of the State Hermitage Museum. Doctor of Historical Sciences (1985), Professor of Cultural Studies (2000). Since 1973, he has been participating in archaeological expeditions in different regions of Russia, and since 1985, having become the head of the Sayano-Altai expedition of the State Hermitage, he has been conducting independent research in Altai, Tuva, Southern Siberia, Kazakhstan and Turkey.

He has repeatedly participated in various international exhibitions, scientific conferences and seminars in Russia, Austria, England, Holland, Japan, USA, France, Spain, the Republic of Korea, Italy, Turkey, Sweden, Poland, Hungary, Estonia, Mongolia and other countries.

L.S. Marsadolov has written 17 monograph books and more than 630 scientific articles on problems of archaeology, archaeoastronomy, history, culture, nomad art, dendrochronology, radiocarbon dating, etc. The main scientific interests are related to the study of the culture of the ancient nomadic tribes of Eurasia I millennium BC.

L.S. Marsadolov believes that the most interesting ideas are born at the junctions of different scientific disciplines, and the life of ancient people was complex and diverse, so archaeologists should look not only underground, but also at the stars, fixing their "reflection" in archaeological sites. Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Dvortsovaya nab., 34; tel. (8 812) 710 95 07; marsadolov@hermitage.ru

GREAT SALBYK BARROW IN SIBERIA (archaeological and astronomical aspects)

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