Elisa Ramazzina

Elisa Ramazzina completed her Ph.D. in Germanic Philology, specializing in Old English, at the University of Pavia under the guidance of Prof. Maria Grazia Saibene. Currently, she is a Lecturer in the Earliest English Writings at Queen's University Belfast. Prior to her current position, she taught Old English at various levels at H.M. Classics Academy in Belfast and worked as a Research Assistant at the University of Oxford, contributing to the CLASP: A Consolidated Library of Anglo Saxon Poetry ERC funded project. During her role as a Marie Curie Fellow at Queen's University Belfast from 2017 to 2019, Elisa immersed herself in the realm of medieval literature through her project "Cleansing Water: Water and Baptism in Old English Poetry." Elisa's research interests primarily focus on the medieval natural world and landscape, with a specific emphasis on water and monster studies. She engages with Old English and Middle English texts, often drawing comparisons with medieval Latin, Old High German, Middle High German, and medieval Italian texts. Embracing an interdisciplinary approach, Elisa also explores Material Philology and Digital Philology methodologies in her scholarly pursuits.

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Flickering Lights, Fire in the Sky and the Enemy at the Border in Early Medieval English Literature

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