Mike Vanden Heuvel


Mike Vanden Heuvel is Professor of Interdisciplinary Theatre Studies in the Department of Classics and Near Eastern Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Research areas include modern and contemporary theatrical practices with special interests in experimental performance, devised theatre, and theatre and science. He recently edited a 2-volume series, American Theatre Ensembles, with Bloomsbury.


Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison

Major Fields

Alternative Theatre and Theatre Practice

Interdisciplinary Studies of Theatre and Science


Selected Publications                                   


Performing Drama/Dramatizing Performance: Alternative Theatre and the Dramatic Text.  University of Michigan Press, 1991.

Edited Books

                        Modern American Drama: Playwriting in the 1970s (Bloomsbury, 2018).

                        American Theatre Ensembles: 1970-1995 Bloomsbury, 2020)

                        American Theatre Ensembles, 1995-2018 (Bloomsbury 2021)        


Recent Selected Refereed Articles

“’The Acceptable Face of the Unintelligible’: Intermediality and the Science Play.”

Interdisciplinary Science Review 38.4 (2013): 365-379

Recent Selected Articles for Collections

“The Declension of Love: Classicism and Romanticism in the Plays

            of Tom Stoppard.” Tom Stoppard in Context, ed. David Kornhaber and James Loehlin (Cambridge University Press 2021).

“Devised Theatre and the Performance of Science.” The Cambridge Companion to Theatre and Science, ed. Kirsten Shepherd-Barr (Cambridge University Press 2020).


Recent Book Reviews

 Gianna Bouchard. Performing Specimens: Contemporary Performance and Biomedical Display. Performance Research 2022).

Kristen Shepard-Barr. Theatre and Evolution from Ibsen to Beckett. Modern Drama 59.1 (Spring 2016): pp. 128-130.


Recent Selected Conference Papers and Invited Presentations

“’There are channels, and thus there must be noise’: Traducing the Relations between

            Theatre and Science.” ASTR Conference, Minneapolis, MN, 2016.


Recent Grants and Awards

Invited speaker. NEH Summer Institute on Devised Theatre.

UW Summer Research Grant. “The Devised Postdramatic Science Play: Form and Politics.” (2020)

Herbert and Evelyn Howe-Bascom Professorship, Integrated Liberal Studies (2017-2020)

Visiting Fellow, St. Catherine’s College, Oxford, 2017.


Full Paper
“Spooky(‘s) Action at a Distance: Remixing Relations between Theatre and Science in the Planetarium Show”

Speaker List Schedule

INSAP 2024

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