Marilina Cesario

Marilina Cesario is Reader in the Earliest Writings in English at Queen’s University Belfast. She is an expert in early medieval history and literature and Anglo-Latin connections. She has published extensively in the fields of early medieval weather and astronomy, prognostication, reception of classical mythology in the early Middle Ages, and on manuscript studies. She is the editor with Hugh Magennis of Aspects of Knowledge: Preserving and Reinventing Traditions of Learning in the Middle Ages (2018). She is currently compliting a monograph on the 'Elements and the Environment in the Early Middle Ages' funded by a British Academy Mid-Career Fellowship. She is the editor with H. Magennis and E. Ramazzina of a cross-disciplinary four-volume book series on the elements in the medieval world forthcoming with Brill Publisher. She is also general editor (with Andreas Lammer) of the Book Series Elements, Nature, Environment: Multidisciplinary Perspectives from the Ancient to the Early Modern World (Brill). 

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"Fiery Dragons", "Bloody Rain", "Torches" and "Fiery Swords": Chasing The Northern Lights in the Early Middle Ages

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