AJ Epstein

AJ Epstein is a writer, visual and performance artist who works with words, light, people, time, and space. For his day job, he is the Proprietor of West of Lenin, an innovative black box performance and arts venue in the Fremont neighborhood of Seattle. In 1996, AJ Epstein presaged the webcam revolution when he broadcast Rich Howard’s Cowboys in Love: The Hank Plowplucker Story live to the internet. Three people watched.

His company, The Ethereal Mutt – Limited produces theatre, music and indie film – often with an eye towards the exploration of Science through Art.

 Off Broadway: Tim Crouch’s An Oak Tree, Mike Daisey’s How Theatre Failed America, Regional and Touring: The Flying Karamazov Brothers’: L’Universe; Starball: A Dreamy Musical Astronomy Show; Saving Tania’s Privates; Muffin Face. TV and Film: Clowns Eating Toast Just for Max.com; Lynn Shelton’s We Go Way Back; Guy Maddin’s Brand Upon the Brain!; Tim Crouch’s England; Survival Skills, & The music video for Poi Dog Pondering’s Godless Church. Recent Lighting and design projects: Lumia Maccabee(Seattle, 2011); The Larson Barometer (Yakima, 2009); The Clarke Orbit(Seattle, 2009); Verloren Pfifen Orgel (Frankfurt 2016).  

His work as a designer and light artist have been seen in theatres and galleries worldwide. In 2004 Seattle Weekly named him Seattle’s Best Lighting Designer.

He studied with Mabou Mines and toured with Poi Dog Pondering, AC/DC, Rod Stewart and the Eagles.

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