Annette S. Lee

Annette S. Lee, DSc, PhD, MFA is an award-winning artist, scientist, and civic engagement leader whose unique talents connect ideas across seemingly impossible divides. Much of her work focuses on Indigenous Knowledges and epistemologies. She is a world-class researcher, professional artist, and keeper of traditional knowledge, with bachelor, master, and doctoral degrees in mathematics, physics, and astrophysics, as well as a bachelor's and two master’s degrees in fine arts and motion media design, all from top universities, including Yale and Berkeley. Dr Lee has worked as an expert consultant for UNESCO, curated prestigious exhibitions, served as a world-class science communicator, and presented keynotes to organizations and at major conferences around the world.

Annette is an astrophysicist focusing on exoplanets and astrobiology, who has also done research in geophysics, astrochemistry, and hydrology.  Accomplished in 2D art, Annette has a multidisciplinary approach to art as social practice within areas of soundscape installations, projection art, volumetric light sculptures, performance art, and data visualization. After two decades of success in higher education including tenured full professor in Physics/Astronomy at St. Cloud State University and Planetarium Director, Lee recently stepped away from this role to work full-time as an independent artist-scientist. Currently, she is the Executive Director of Native Skywatchers 501-c3 Nonprofit and continues as an Honorary/Adjunct Professor at the University of Southern Queensland in the Centre for Astrophysics in Australia. Annette is mixed-race Native American of Lakota, Irish, and Chinese ancestry. Her communities are Ojibwe,  D/ Lakota, and the Two-legged (Human Species).

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