Gisela Weimann

Gisela Weimann studied painting at the University of the Arts Berlin, printmaking and experimental photography at the Royal College of Art in London and film at the San Francisco Art Institute. Thereafter, until 1981, she lived in Mexico. In 1997 she was awarded a resident grant at the Villa Aurora in Los Angeles. Her life is marked by numerous journeys, study and teaching abroad. Her practice is cross media and cooperative. In 2002 she was awarded the Critics' Prize for Visual Arts of the Association of German Critics e. V.

Dr. Stefanie Endlich writes in her laudation:
"The breadth and variety of her expressions and working techniques range from painting and printmaking, photography and film, mail art installations and environments to multimedia projects, performances and art in public spaces. She leaps over the boundaries between artistic genres by means of intercultural and interdisciplinary cooperation with artists from theatre, music and film and with researchers from various disciplines..."

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