Adam Kaasa

Adam Kaasa is an artist and writer working across performance, fiction and space. They release music as Bliss Carmxn and their debut EP 'Hold My Hand And I'll Hold Yours' is released on 5 June 2024. They worked for over a decade on urbanism and architecture, first at LSE Cities, then by founding the international reserarch centre on performance, art and the city Theatrum Mundi. Their research collective Fiction Feeling Frame curated RELAY at the Venice Biennale of Architecture in 2021, and Critical (Spatial) Dialogues at the RCA in 2023. Recent exhibit includes Weather. Stop. Fiction. Stop at Gallery Augusta, Helsinki, and recent performances include PAF, Copy Press 10th Anniversary, and Glasgow School of Art. Their current research centres on Andromeda, an alt-futurist fiction and collective song cycle. Adam is Co-Chair of _SPACE, the new research network at the RCA connecting researchers on space related topics across the arts, communication, design, architecture and the humanities. 

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Andromeda's Howl: Relayed History and a Song Cycle as Method for Collective Imagination

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