ISIL History
3rd International Seminar on Information Law 2010 “An Information Law for the 21st Century” 25 - 26 June 2010, Corfu, Greece
2nd International Seminar on Information Law 2009 “A World for Information Law” 25 - 26 June 2009, Corfu, Greece
25 June 2009
Venue: |
The Palace of St. Michael and George - Municipal Art Gallery |
Time: |
June 25, 2009, 19.30 pm |
Opening: |
- Vice-Rector, University of Athens, Pr. Ioannis Karakostas
- Chairman, Graduate Program, DALS: Pr. Spiros Asonitis
- Introduction:
Pr. Herbert Burkett: A World for Information Law |
Chairs: |
- Pr. Herman Tavani
- Pr. Lambros Kotsiris
Speakers: |
- Pr. Bernt Hugenholtz, The Orphan Works Problem. The copyright conundrum of digitising large-scale audiovisual archives and how to solve it
- Pr. Rafael Capurro, Information Ethics for and from Africa
- Pr. Simon Rogerson: Is History Repeating Itself for Digital Beings?
June 26, 2009 Speakers:
- Bergman Jackie, What's Love Got to Do with IT?
- Dariwal Manju, Majumdar H. & Sharan R., Computer Ethics and other societies: relevance of ICT for India
- Fragkouli Athina & Corrales Marcelo, Legal issues in biological databases: a sui generis approach
- Vagena Euaggelia & Sinanidou Maria, Linking and Hosting: Copyright Issues
- VanMynesgerghe Aimee, Classifying Service Robots for Policy
Executive Organizing Committee
- Rania Konsta
- Nikos Anastasiou
- Gianna Siameti
- Mairi Ampatzi
- Xara Zarvala
Seminar programme inf law 2009
1st International Seminar on Information Law 2008 “The Changing Facets of Information in Information Law”
27-29 June 2008, Corfu, Greece
First International Seminar on Information Law
'The Changing Facets of Information in Information Law'
Department of Archives and Libreary Science,
Ionian University, Corfu Greece
June 27-29, 2008
- Gasser Urs, St Gallen University/Harvard University
- Hatzimihail Nikitas, University of Cyprus
- Hatzis Aristeides, University of Athens
- Himma Kenneth Einar, Seattle Pacific University
- Hugenholtz Bernt, University of Amsterdam
- Palfrey John, Harvard University
- Rogerson Simon, DeMontfort University
- Shadlen Ken, London School of Economics
- Bottis Maria, Ionian University
with the participation of:
- Panayotis Vlamos, Ionian University,
- Maria Daphne Papadopoulou Hellenic Copyright Organization
- Maria Synanidou, Hellenic Copyright Organization
organizer/scientific responsibility: Maria Bottis, Department of Archives and Library Science, Ionian University
Executive Organizing Committee
- Rania Konsta
- Nikos Anastasiou
- Meropi Ampatzi
- Katerina Tzali
Print Design: Roxana theodorou
June 27, 2008
The first presentation of the book DIGITAL NATIVES by John Palfrey and Urs Gasser
INSEIT Newsletter (including report on 1st International Seminar on Information Law):
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Artwork: D. Kourtesis
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