Lynn Lyon

Since retiring as a research librarian, I have been able to devote my time to my lifetime passions: Art and Astronomy. As an MA graduate of the University of Wales Trinity Saint David, I give conferences and continue studying with an Astronomy Association 'Ares et Antares'.

With my artist's beret on, many of my paintings are abstract which should take you to another place, while my sculptures explore dimensions and how they can be joined. This develops the idea that a dimension can not be seen by another, even if adjacent, leading to the idea that space could develop with neighbouring spaces.

When not in one or another of these realms, I enjoy photography, especially macro photography, gardening, travelling and the joy of being.

Be humble for you are made of earth, and be noble as you are made of stars.  Sebian proverb

Lynn Lyon

April 2024

Full Paper
Reaching for the Stars, Galaxies and beyond: the Astronomer and the Artist Strive to Redefine our Boundaries.

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