Giangiacomo Gandolfi

Giangiacomo Gandolfi is an astrophysicist, cultural astronomer and science communicator with a long experience in the field. He was a scientist on the BeppoSAX X-ray satellite in the 1990s, then a member of the staff of the Planetarium of Rome from its reopening in 2004 until 2022, and is now Curator of the Copernican Astronomical Museum of INAF Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma and Head of the local Library and Historical Archive. He has collaborated with many magazines such as "l'Astronomia", "Darwin" and "Scienza Esperienza". He is the author of the books "Il Secondo Big Bang" (CUEN, 2000) and "Piccolo Atlante Celeste" (Einaudi, 2009).
A member of the Italian Society of Archaeoastronomy (SIA) and the European Society of Astronomy in Culture (SEAC), he has been researching astronomy and astrology in Medieval and Renaissance art for many years, in parallel with his scientific, curatorial and planetaristic activities. More generally, he is interested in everything that can be classified as cultural astronomy, with a particular interest in theatre science and in the relationship between literature and astronomy.

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