Travel Advice

For travel queries, reservations etc please contact AKTINA TRAVEL by telephone: 0030 2610 222255, fax: 0030 2610 222755, email

Aktina Travel

Air Berlin flies direct to Corfu from Zurich, Munich, Frankfurt, Erfurt, Dresden, Hanover, Hamburg and Leipzig.

Cheap Flights to Corfu from the UK:

Most flights to Corfu are charter flights, which are frequent during the peak holiday season over the summer months (May to September). Thompson Fly Charter ( operates flights from London Gatwick, Stansted, Luton, Birmingham, Glasgow, Manchester, Newcastle, Nottingham and Belfast airports. Charter flights can be extremely cheap, especially at the beginning and end of the summer season.

Also important, EASY JET operates flights direct London/Corfu at very good prices.

So, especially for participants from the US, please Combine a flight to London with a direct and cheap charter Flight to Corfu.

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