Guest Speakers of a Special Status
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 Broady-Preston Judith [Aberystwyth University - United Kingdom]
Guest Speaker
Judith Broady-Preston
Senior Lecturer, BA (Hons), MA, PhD, MCLIP, FHEA Aberystwyth University - United KingdomSHORT CVDr Judith Broady-Preston is Director of Research and Senior Lecturer at the Department of Information Studies, Aberystwyth University, having previously held academic positions at Leeds Metropolitan and Sheffield Universities. She is also Director of a UK-based Research Network, Fellow of the interdisciplinary Centre for European Studies, and a member of numerous Planning Committees for international and national conferences.
Her research interests centre on concepts of value and impact in relation to information and information/library services, philosophical constructs of information and knowledge and educational/professional issues. The author of over 100 papers
in a range of international journals, conference proceedings and edited works, she has also undertaken national and international consultancy projects. In 2011, she received invitations to deliver the keynote address at international conferences in
Taiwan, Mexico City, and Copenhagen.
Her work has received several awards and prizes, including the 1998 Alexander Wilson Prize for most outstanding library management paper, and several Emerald Literati awards, most recently ‘Highly Commended Awards’ for her papers on Strong
Structuration and social identity theories (2010) and Measuring quality, value, and impact (2012). In January 2010 she was awarded the National Teaching Award for Wales, by the Higher Education Academy Subject Centre for Information and Computer Sciences for “an outstanding contribution to the growth, development and enhancement of the teaching of the disciplines”.
Editor of the international journal, Library Review, Judith is also Editor (Europe and UK) of the open access international Journal of Education, Media & Library Sciences, and a member of the editorial boards of Library and Information Research , Performance Measurement and Metrics and Library Management.
She maintains an active engagement with the information profession, elected first Leader of the new model Governing Council of the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) in January 2008, and currently a member of the IFLA Management and Marketing Section Committee, 2009-2013.
Personal webpage: http://www.aber.ac.uk/en/dis/staff/jbp/ 
 URL: conferences.ionio.gr/icil2012/guests#148-broady-preston
Last Updated: 02/04/2012 15:08 
 Gritzalis Dimitris [Athens University of Economics and Business - Greece]
Guest Speaker
Dimitris Gritzalis
Professor of ICT Security Athens University of Economics and Business - GreeceSHORT CV Dr. Gritzalis is a Professor of ICT Security with the Dept. of Informatics of the Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB), Greece. He is also the Director of the Information Security and Critical Infrastructure Protection Research Group, as well as the Director of the Graduate Programme in Information Systems at AUEB.
He holds a B.Sc. (Mathematics, Univ. of Patras), a M.Sc. (Computer Science, City University of New York) and a Ph.D. (Critical Information Systems Security, Univ. of the Aegean).
Prof. Gritzalis has served as Associate Commissioner of the Greek Data Protection Commission and as the President of the Greek Computer Society. He is, also, the national representative of Greece to IFIP TC-11.
His publication record includes include 10 books and more than 150 papers. His current research interests focus on security in ambient intelligence, security paradigms, privacy enhancing technologies, and critical ICT infrastructure protection
 URL: conferences.ionio.gr/icil2012/guests#090-gritzalis
Last Updated: 30/03/2012 01:31 
 Himma Kenneth Einar [Seattle Pacific University - United States of America]
Guest Speaker
Kenneth Einar Himma
Professor of the Department of Philosophy Seattle Pacific University - United States of AmericaSHORT CVEducation
B.A. 1985 University of Illinois at Chicago
M.A. 1987 UCLA
J.D. 1990 University of Washington School of Law
Ph.D. 2001 University of Washington
Dissertation Title: The Status of Legal Principles
Dissertation Committee: Ronald Moore (Chair), Laurence BonJour, Robert Coburn, Jane Ellis, William Talbott
Academic interests
Areas of Specialization: Philosophy of Law, Philosophy of Information; Ethics of Information Technology, Applied Ethics
Areas of Competence: Logic, Aesthetics, Social and Political Philosophy, Ethics, Philosophy of Religion
University Service
2005-2007 Diversity Committee (Beginning 09/05)
2005-Present Faculty Advisor, Young Democrats Club
Departmental Service
2002-2003 Policy Search Committee (iSchool)
2001-2002 Graduate Admissions (Philosophy)
2001-2002 Graduate Program Review Committee (Philosophy)
1994-1995 Curriculum Committee (Philosophy)
Personal webpage: spu.edu/depts/philosophy/kenhimma.asp 
URL: conferences.ionio.gr/icil2012/guests#091-himma
Last Updated: 29/03/2012 23:38 
 Kotsiris Lambros [Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - Greece]
Guest Speaker
Lambros Kotsiris
Professor emeritus-Member of the Greek Academy Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - Greece
Title: Ethics of Legal Education Author: Kotsiris Lambros
SHORT CV Lambros Kotsiris is Professor emeritus of Law at the Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki and a Member of the Greek Academy. He teaches at the National School of Judges, at the Hellenic Open University and at the Law School of the Aristotelian University (Erasmus students and students of the LL.M. Program). He has been the Head of the Legal Department in Greek banks (Chios Bank and Piraeus Bank). He has chaired and participated in numerous national and international conferences, in WIPO and in UNCITRAL. He has served as member (and president) of many Committees working on law proposals in the fields of copyright, the structural reform of privatization, insolvency law and the adoption of Model Insolvency Law of UNCITRAL. He served also as a member and as a president of many institutions, such as the Hellenic Copyright Organization, the National Committee of Professional Athletics and the Institute of the Aegean for the Law of the Sea & Maritime Law. He has written more than 200 monographs, books, studies and articles, on all subjects of Commercial Law –and not only- in Greek, English, German and French.
 URL: conferences.ionio.gr/icil2012/guests#093-kotsiris
Last Updated: 02/05/2012 17:54 
 Law Derek [University of Strathclyde - United Kingdom]
Guest Speaker
Derek Law
Emeritus Professor of Informatics, MA, DUniv, FCLIP, FIInfSc, FKC, FLA, FRSE University of Strathclyde - United KingdomSHORT CVDerek Law is Emeritus Professor of Informatics at the University of Strathclyde. He is chair of the JISC Advance Board and has worked in several British universities and has published and spoken at conferences extensively. He is a regular project evaluator for the EU and has undertaken almost fifty institutional reviews. Most of his work has been to do with the development of networked resources in higher education and with the creation of national information policy and he has been PI on some twenty research projects. Recently he has worked on the future of academic information services. This has been combined with an active professional life in professional organisations related to librarianship and computing. A committed internationalist he has been involved in projects and research in over forty countries. He was awarded the Barnard prize for contributions to Medical Informatics in 1993, Fellowship of the Royal Society of Edinburgh in 1999, an honorary degree by the Sorbonne in 2000, the IFLA medal in 2003, Honorary Fellowship of CILIP in 2004 and was an OCLC Distinguished Scholar in 2006.
Personal webpage: https://sites.google.com/site/dereklaw9064/ 
 URL: conferences.ionio.gr/icil2012/guests#094-law
Last Updated: 29/03/2012 23:45 
 Spence Edward [Charles Sturt University - Australia]
Guest Speaker
Edward Spence
Senior lecturer in moral philosophy and applied ethics Charles Sturt University - Australia
Title: Information ethics and the ethics of convergence of old media and new media Author: Spence Edward
SHORT CV Dr Edward Spence, PhD (University of Sydney), is a senior lecturer in moral philosophy and applied ethics in the School of Communication and Creative Industries, Charles Sturt University, and a Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics (CAPPE) in Australia. He is the author of several books including Advertising Ethics 2005, Corruption and Anti-Corruption: A Philosophical Approach (2005), Ethics Within Reason: A Neo-Gewirthian Approach (2006), Media, Markets and Morals (Wiley-Blackwell, 2011) and The Good Life in a Technological Age (with Philip Brey and Adam Briggle, Routlege, in press). He is also the author of several refereed papers in national and international journals, including media and new media ethics and the metaphysics and ethics of information and technology.
He is the founder and producer of the Theatre of Philosophy project whose aim is the introduction of philosophy to the general public through drama and audience participation through discussion. Conceived by Edward in 1997, the Theatre of Philosophy project combines philosophical talks presented by academic philosophers with original plays performed by professional actors in public forums. Several of Edward’s authored philosophy plays have been performed at Arts and Cultural Festivals throughout Australia, including the Australian Fringe Festival and the Festival Hellenica in Adelaide, as well as the Greek Festival in Sydney. In 2004, his philosophy-play The Philosophy of Love: Love in the Age of Terror was performed at the Sydney Opera House and in 2005 his philosophy play, The Philosophy of Freedom: Ancient Wisdom for a New World, was performed at the Museum of Sydney.
 URL: conferences.ionio.gr/icil2012/guests#095-spence
Last Updated: 01/06/2012 17:29 
 Spinello Richard A. [Boston College - United States of America]
Guest Speaker
Richard A. Spinello
Associate Research Professor, Management and Organization Department Boston College - United States of America
Title: The Incoherence of Readers’ Copyright Author: Spinello Richard A.
SHORT CV Dr. Spinello is an Associate Research Professor in the Carroll School of Management where he teaches courses on social issues in management and corporate strategy. He is the Director of CSOM’s ethics program and coordinates the school’s first-year ethics course. He is also affiliated with the Philosophy Department where he sometimes teaches courses such as Ethics in the Professions.
He has written and edited several books on information technology ethics, including Morality and Law in Cyberspace and Intellectual Property Rights in a Networked World. More recently, his interests have turned to the ethical writings of the late Pope John Paul II, especially his seminal encyclical on the moral life, Veritatis Splendor. He has written a book on the Pope’s moral philosophy entitled, The Genius of John Paul II: The Great Pope’s Moral Wisdom. When he is not reading papal encyclicals or philosophical treatises, Professor Spinello enjoys listening to classical music and hiking.
 URL: conferences.ionio.gr/icil2012/guests#106-spinello
Last Updated: 30/03/2012 00:52 
 Sturges Paul [University of Loughborough - United Kingdom]
Guest Speaker
Paul Sturges
Emeritus Professor of Library Studies University of Loughborough - United Kingdom
Title: The Brain at the Centre of the Information Universe: Lessons from Popular Neuroscience Author: Sturges Paul
SHORT CVChair of the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA)'s Freedom of Access to Information and Freedom of Expression (FAIFE) core activity (2003-2009).
2000-2002 was Project Leader for a project funded by Resource (now MLA) on Privacy in the Digital Library Environment.
1997-2001 developed Guidelines for Public Internet access facilities on behalf of the Council of Europe.
Has also worked on African library and information-related issues since 1984. Book available on-line, The Quiet Struggle: information and librarioes for the people of Africa, 1998.
Current research: Exploring and discussing aspects of intellectual freedom, through a series of conference papers and journal articles on topics including the rationale for intellectual freedom, tolerance and freedom of expression, the role of transparency in combating corruption and comedy as freedom of expression.
Professor Paul Sturges has also been awarded an OBE (Officer of the Order of the British Empire ) in the Queen's Birthday Honours list. Professor Sturges was the Chair of IFLA's FAIFE Committee between 2003 and 2009, and has been involved in international librarianship for many years, contributing a tremendous amount through his work in the area of freedom of access to information and freedom of expression.
Personal webpage:
 URL: conferences.ionio.gr/icil2012/guests#021-sturges
Last Updated: 08/06/2012 16:00 
 Weber Karsten [International Center for Information Ethics ICIE - Germany]
Guest Speaker
Karsten Weber
Representative of the International Center for Information Ethics ICIE - GermanySHORT CVUniversity study and vocational training:
Winter term 1986/87: Begin of university study of Informatics at University of Karlsruhe, Germany
12/01/1987 - 12/31/1988: Student assistant at Research Center for Information Technology (FZI), University of Karlsruhe, Germany
Winter term 1988/89: Withdrawal from university registers without a degree.
1989 - 1991: Vocational training, management and computer technology trainee
02/06/1991: End of vocational training
01/02/1991 - 03/31/1995: Occupation as software engineer and as system administrator
Winter term 1993/94: Begin of university study of Philosophy, Informatics, and Sociology at University of Karlsruhe, Germany
01/01/1995 - 09/30/1999: Student assistant at Institute of Philosophy, University of Karlsruhe, Germany
01/01/1995 - 09/30/1999: Freelancer at Siemens AG, Karlsruhe, Germany: author of technical documentation, online help files, and WWW pages
03/25/1996: End of study with degree "Magister Artium"
04/01/1996 - 12/31/1997: Occupation in research project "Violence in the media", University of Karlsruhe, Germany
01/01/1998 - 10/30/1999: Scientific staff, Deutsch-Russisches Kolleg, University of Karlsruhe, Germany.
02/22/1999: Ph. D. in Philosophy, title of thesis "Simulation and explanation".
1999-2008: Scientific staff, Chair of Philosophy, European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder).
12/15/2003: Postdoctoral teaching qualification (habilitation) in Philosophy.
04/20/2004: Inaugural Lecture "What is the mind? Ideas of Philosophy of Mind and their popular presentation in recent movie pictures", receiving venia legendi or Philosophy.
2004 - 2007: Head of project "Mobile Internet Services and Privacy", funded by German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
2005 - 2008: Member of Young Scientists Network of Center of Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF) at University of Bielefeld.
Since 2006: Professor for Philosophy at University Opole, Poland.
Since 2007: Adjunct Professor for Culture and Technology, Brandenburg Technical University Cottbus, Germany
2008/2009: Visiting Professor for Information Ethics and Data Protection, Technical University Berlin, Germany
2009/2010: Visiting Professor for Computers and Society, Technical University Berlin, Germany
2010/2011: Visiting Professor for Computers and Society, Technical University Berlin, Germany
See http://www.kultur-nachrichten.de/weber/publikationen.html
See http http://www.kultur-nachrichten.de/weber/praesentationen.html
 URL: conferences.ionio.gr/icil2012/guests#096-weber
Last Updated: 29/03/2012 23:50 
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A Piano Recital for the 5th ICIL 2012
“The teachings of Victor Karpovich or how to approach Clara”
Presenting works by Fineberg, Brahms, Schumann
by Lambis Vassiliadis
Saturday 30 June, 2012
21.00, Ionian Academy
ICIL 2012 participants may enter the recital free. Because the recital is organized for charity, for the benefit and support of disadvantaged students, we recommend an entirely voluntary contribution of 10 euros.
Lambis Vassiliadis is one of the most distinguished pianists of the younger generation.
He has travelled and played all over the world and has received the most positive reviews.
Vassiliadis is an Associate Professor of the Ionian University, Musical Studies Department.
For more information, see www.lambis.vassiliadis.org.
A distinguished Greek pianist of the younger generation, Mr. Lambis Vassiliadis represents an impressive style of explosive pianism and artistic sensibility.
Privileged to study near to pianists like Yalta Menouhin, Victor Merzhanov, Jerome Rose and James Tocco, he managed to obtain five academic titles from Universities and Music Academies around the world (Greece- Germany- England- USA)-all with distinctions and honors. He also holds a degree in Philosophy by the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.
Mr. Vassiliadis has worked for the University of Cincinnati, in the United States, as assistant professor at the studio of James Tocco; he has been Juror of the OMTA (Ohio Music Teachers Association) competition, of the International Music Competition of Thessaloniki, Juror of the Dorothy Price Awards Competition - Mannes College of Music, New York, of the Yamaha Competition Athens and of the Emil Gilels Competiton in Odessa, Ukraine.
Mr. Vassiliadis won 11 awards in international and national piano competitions and managed to attract the attention of the international press as a recording artist, (since 1993 by Koch-Discover International) for his pianistical skill and serious musical thinking. In April 1997, his CD with works by Bartok, Scriabin, Poulenc Szymanowski is rated with four stars by BBC Music Magazine and in September 1997, and his Schumann -Brahms recording is praised by Charles Timbrell in Fanfare Music Magazine. Recently the “Listener Magazine” reviewed enthusiastically Mr. Vassiliadis recordings confirming the “emergence of a major virtuoso performer” (P. Meanor, winter edition 1999). The first world wide recording of the Piano Sonatas by Allen Sapp was commented by the American Record Guide as one of the best recordings of 2001. Finally the Gramophone Magazine, includes Vassiliadis recording of the Brahms – Paganini Variations among the “selected discography of the 20th century” ( B. Morrison, March 2003).
Other CD’s (by Aardvark Media) include a Chopin Album, a Tchaikovsky Album, orchestra repertoire with the Chamber Music Orchestra of Tuebingen ( Germany) and the Fairbanks Symphony ( USA) , an all Liszt-Mozart transcriptions and two recordings with works of Mendellsohn, Brahms and Schumann with the Ionian Piano Quartet (Amicme Classical).
Mr. Vassiliadis appeared in solo concerts, radio and television broadcasts in Greece, as well as in many other countries (Germany, USA, South Africa, Italy, England, France); he also appeared with orchestras (Kammerphilarmonie Prague, National Symphony Prague, Bangok Symphony, State Orchestra of Thessaloniki, Orchestra of Colours, Athens, etc.) with a variety of repertoire including works like the 2nd Tchaikovsky concerto or Liszt’s Malediction.
Mr. Vassiliadis has received a position as the director of the Synchrono Conservatory in 1998, where he was teaching piano for the late four years. He has also been active as the artistic director of the «Vertiskos» Summer Courses and the Coordinator of the Piano Studies in the Conservatory of East Macedonia in Kavala-Greece.
Since November 2002, he is appointed Assistant Professor for Piano in the Ionian University, Department of Music, in Corfu, Greece. In year 2005 was appointed Representative of the International Relationships of the Department. He holds the Artistic Coordination of the International Summer Academy and Festival of Corfu, as well as the coordination of the International Music Days in Brache ( Schleswig Holstein, Germany) and the “Deutsch- Griechisch Musik Tage” in Solingen, Germany.
Lambis can be contacted at lambisv@yahoo.com.