Women in Academia
Women in Academia is a special session of the 5th ICIL 2012. It will host invited presentations from women academics and aims to lead to a discussion about gender and inequality especially in academia internationally.
Women academics of any rank and any field interested in presenting at the special session please contact us.
Call for contributions/papers
The session is open to potential contributions and papers. Please send us your name and affiliation and a 200 words abstract by the deadlines (Important Dates) of the main conference. The session deals with issues on gender, equality and women generally in research and academia.
Selected papers will be published in a separate volume.
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 Alipranti-Maratou Laura [National Centre for Social Research - Greece]
Women in Academia Speaker
Laura Alipranti-Maratou
Dr National Centre for Social Research - Greece
Title: Women in Academia in Greece: Recent trends and social aspects Author: Alipranti-Maratou Laura
SHORT CV Laura Alipranti-Maratou, has a Ph.D in Sociology (University of Paris X -Nanterre) and she is Researcher at the National Centre for Social Research in Athens. She is also Adjunct Professor at the University of Athens, Department of Philosophy, Pedagogy and Psychology. Her research interests include family relations, family policy, gender issues and international female migration. She is since 2005 National Representative for Greece in COST , Domain Committee, DC-ISCH, Individuals, Society, Culture and Health, European Commission. She is elected Member of the Executive Board in ΙSA, (International Sociological Association), in the Research Committee RC 32 “Women in Society” Representative for Europe (2006-2014).
She has participated in many research projects, national and European, such as:
National coordinator-expert in WELLCHI “The well-being of children: The impact of changing family forms, working conditions of parents, social policy and legislative measures”. QUING, (6th FP), EC “Quality in Gender+Equality Policies”: «Μeta-analysis of gender and science research»-contract RTD-L4-PP-2007-2010- coordinated by Fundació CIREM. She is the author, co-author and editor of many books and articles, Greek and international the latest being Contours of Citizenship. Women, Diversity and Practices of Citizenship. Aldershot: Ashgate Publications (co-editor) 2010.
URL: conferences.ionio.gr/icil2012/women#181-alipranti-maratou
Last Updated: 02/07/2012 13:28 
 Bottis Maria [Ionian University - Greece]
Women in Academia Speaker
Maria Bottis
Assistant Professor, Attorney-at-law Ionian University - GreeceSHORT CV She is an Honors graduate of Athens Law School in 1990. She is a holder of a LLM degree (Cambridge Law School, UK, 1991) a LLM degree from Yale Law School in 1992 and a PhD on medical information law from the University of Athens. In 2000, she was appointed a Faculty Fellow at Harvard University, Center for Ethics and the Professions (2000-2001). She is an elected member of the board of the International Society for Ethics and Technology. She has authored five books, the latest being A Defense of Intellectual Property Rights, 2009, Edward Elgar Publishing (with Professor Richard Spinello). She is also the author of many Greek and international publications on data protection, digital divide, library ethics, privacy medical/health law and others.
URL: conferences.ionio.gr/icil2012/women#101-bottis
Last Updated: 30/03/2012 00:41 
 Cooklin Katherine [Slippery Rock University - United States of America]
Women in Academia Speaker
Katherine Cooklin
Associate Professor of Philosophy Slippery Rock University - United States of America
Title: The Lack of Women in Philosophy: Psychological and Structural Barriers and the Moral Dimension of Epistemic Responsibility Author: Cooklin Katherine
SHORT CV Katherine Cooklin is Associate Professor of Philosophy at Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania; she teaches Social and Political Philosophy, Philosophy of Law and Justice, and Business Ethics. She received her Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Texas at Austin, and she specializes in Social and Political Philosophy from a Contintental perspective. She has published papers on Critical Theory, Judith Butler, Julia Kristeva, Michel Foucault, and her current research interests include Continental and feminist models of subjectivity within the field of Philosophy of Law, and the Epistemology of Ignorance.
URL: conferences.ionio.gr/icil2012/women#020-cooklin
Last Updated: 23/07/2012 20:54 
 Gatsou Nefeli [University of Athens - Greece]
Women in Academia Speaker
Nefeli Gatsou
Researcher in multinational educational systems in Europe University of Athens - Greece
Title: The Study of Historical Female Geniuses Authors: Kalemis Konstantinos, Georgopoulou Maria, Mamfeda Panagiota, Gatsou Nefeli
SHORT CV Nefeli Gkatsou is a teacher, with distinction from PTDE of National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, who has participated in European programs as a student and as a researcher in multinational educational systems in Europe three times. She speaks or understands English, French, Czech and Portuguese and she has attended numerous conferences or seminars.
URL: conferences.ionio.gr/icil2012/women#187-gatsou
Last Updated: 08/06/2012 12:37 
 Georgopoulou Maria [University of Athens - Greece]
Women in Academia Speaker
Maria Georgopoulou
Teacher, Distinction from PTDE University of Athens - Greece
Title: The Study of Historical Female Geniuses Authors: Kalemis Konstantinos, Georgopoulou Maria, Mamfeda Panagiota, Gatsou Nefeli
SHORT CV Maria Georgopoulou is a teacher, with distinction from PTDE of National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. She speaks three languages apart from her mother tongue: English, French and Spanish. She has also attended numerous conferences and seminars.
URL: conferences.ionio.gr/icil2012/women#191-georgopoulou
Last Updated: 08/06/2012 12:37 
 Kalemis Konstantinos [National Centre for Public Administration & Local Government - Greece]
Women in Academia Speaker
Konstantinos Kalemis
Professor, M ed UOA, Training Institute National Centre for Public Administration & Local Government - Greece
Title: The Study of Historical Female Geniuses Authors: Kalemis Konstantinos, Georgopoulou Maria, Mamfeda Panagiota, Gatsou Nefeli
URL: conferences.ionio.gr/icil2012/women#154-kalemis
Last Updated: 08/06/2012 12:31 
 Maggini Golfo [University of Ioannina - Greece]
Women in Academia Speaker
Golfo Maggini
Associate Professor of Philosophy Department of Philosophy, Psychology & Pedagogy School of Philosophy University of Ioannina - Greece
Title: Object- versus people-centered outlooks in computer use: Is women’s voice loud enough? Author: Maggini Golfo
SHORT CV Golfo Maggini graduated from the Department of Philosophy, Psychology and Pedagogy of the University of Athens in 1991. She pursued her postgraduate and doctoral studies at the University of Paris IV-Sorbonne and University of Paris XII-Val de Marne. She has been a postdoctoral researcher at State University of New York at Stony Brook and the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. She has published numerous papers in hellenic and international philosophy journals. She is the author, among others of three scientific monographs on contemporary philosophy: Habermas and the Neoaristotelians. Ethics of Discourse in Juergen Habermas and the Challenge of Neoaristotelianism (Athens 2006, in Greek), Towards a Hermeneutics of the Technological World: From Heidegger to Contemporary Technoscience (Athens 2010, in Greek), and La justice de la pensée. La critique de la métaphysique de la subjectivité dans le différend heideggerien avec Nietzsche (Publications of the Saripoleion Foundation of the National and Capodistrian University of Athens, Athens 2011; elaborated version of her Ph.D. thesis, University of Paris 1997). Her focus of research interest lies in phenomenology, hermeneutics, practical philosophy and philosophy of technology. Golfo Maggini is currently associate professor of modern and contemporary European philosophy at the University of Ioannina, Greece.
URL: conferences.ionio.gr/icil2012/women#089-maggini
Last Updated: 30/10/2012 16:57 
 Mamfreda Panagiota [University of Athens - Greece]
Women in Academia Speaker
Panagiota Mamfreda
Teacher, Distinction from PTDE University of Athens - Greece
Title: The Study of Historical Female Geniuses Authors: Kalemis Konstantinos, Georgopoulou Maria, Mamfreda Panagiota, Gatsou Nefeli
SHORT CV Teacher, Distinction from PTDE of National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. She speaks English, French and Spanish as well. She has also attended numerous conferences and seminars.
URL: conferences.ionio.gr/icil2012/women#192-mamfreda
Last Updated: 09/06/2012 14:52 
 Nivolianitou Zoe [Institute of Nuclear Technology-Radiation Protection NSCR 'DEMOKRITOS' - Greece]
Women in Academia Speaker
Zoe Nivolianitou
Chemical engineer, System Reliability & Industrial Safety Lab. Institute of Nuclear Technology-Radiation Protection NSCR 'DEMOKRITOS' - Greece
Title: Women that made a career in the early years of the National Center for Scientific Research “DEMOKRITOS” in Athens, Greece Author: Nivolianitou Zoe
SHORT CV Dr Z. S. Nivolianitou works as a senior researcher in the National Certre for Scientific Research (NCSR) “DEMOKRITOS”. She is a chartered Chemical engineer, with further consolidated knowledge on the Risk and Safety Analysis of Chemical Plants. This comprises both the assessment and management of risks from technological systems together with the simulation of natural phenomena that result from an accident. She has an over 25 year experience in the area of industrial safety (mainly chemical plants) acquired at the JRC-ISPRA, (grantee of the European Commission 1983-87, PhD and Diploma in Chemical Engineering from the National Technical University in Athens, Greece) and in NCSR "Demokritos" in Greece in Risk Analysis, Safety Auditing in the process Industry, Decision Making in Land Use Planning around chemical sites, and in Decision Support and Environmental Impact Analysis. She has been among the principal investigators in twelve EU R&D projects of the INTR-P, the co-ordinator for DEMOKRITOS in five of them (SAFETYNET, PRISM, S2S, PRE-EMERGENCIES and FP6 VIRTHUALIS) and assistant co-ordinator in another one (SAFETY AUDIT). She has participated in several international bodies (like NATO and EU) offering expertise in the above areas. She has published more than 70 scientific publications and technical reports and has co-authored two books (one in Environmental Impact Assessment). Her current research activities are related to Accident Analysis and the estimation of Human Factor as a key contributor to the occurrence of major accidents together with Emergency planning in Natural Hazards. She has served as a consultant to the Greek government in the evaluation of the ‘SEVESO” reports of hazardous industrial installations and has been invited several times as an expert by the EC in the evaluation of projects related to technological development. She speaks fluently Greek, English and Italian and has a good handle of German and French.
URL: conferences.ionio.gr/icil2012/women#146-nivolianitou
Last Updated: 01/06/2012 17:27 
 Nobre Kia [University of Cambridge - United Kingdom]
Women in Academia Speaker
Kia Nobre
Professor of Neuroscience and Tutorial Fellow in Psychology at New College University of Cambridge - United KingdomSHORT CVAnna Christina Nobre (known as Kia Nobre) is Tutorial Fellow in Experimental Psychology at New College and Professor in Cognitive Neuroscience at the University of Oxford. She directs the Oxford Centre for Human Brain Activity ( http://www.ohba.ox.ac.uk/  ) and the Brain & Cognition Laboratory ( http://bcl.psy.ox.ac.uk/  ). Her academic interests are centred around understanding the relationship between brain and mind (in general); and the dynamic biasing and control of perception, awareness and memory (in particular).
Professor Nobre holds many positions of responsibility at the University of Oxford and in the cognitive neuroscience community at large. She is the Psychology and Neuroscience Delegate for the Oxford University Press (OUP), member of the Wellcome Trust Neuroscience and Mental Health Funding Committee, advisor to the James S. McDonnell Foundation Program in Understanding Human Cognition, and serves on the editorial board of several journals.
Personal Website: http://www.new.ox.ac.uk/fellows/kia.nobre
Publications: http://bcl.psy.ox.ac.uk/publications 
URL: conferences.ionio.gr/icil2012/women#099-nobre
Last Updated: 29/03/2012 23:57 
 Rethimiotaki Helen [University of Athens - Greece]
Last Updated: 28/05/2012 17:16 
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A Piano Recital for the 5th ICIL 2012
“The teachings of Victor Karpovich or how to approach Clara”
Presenting works by Fineberg, Brahms, Schumann
by Lambis Vassiliadis
Saturday 30 June, 2012
21.00, Ionian Academy
ICIL 2012 participants may enter the recital free. Because the recital is organized for charity, for the benefit and support of disadvantaged students, we recommend an entirely voluntary contribution of 10 euros.
Lambis Vassiliadis is one of the most distinguished pianists of the younger generation.
He has travelled and played all over the world and has received the most positive reviews.
Vassiliadis is an Associate Professor of the Ionian University, Musical Studies Department.
For more information, see www.lambis.vassiliadis.org.
A distinguished Greek pianist of the younger generation, Mr. Lambis Vassiliadis represents an impressive style of explosive pianism and artistic sensibility.
Privileged to study near to pianists like Yalta Menouhin, Victor Merzhanov, Jerome Rose and James Tocco, he managed to obtain five academic titles from Universities and Music Academies around the world (Greece- Germany- England- USA)-all with distinctions and honors. He also holds a degree in Philosophy by the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.
Mr. Vassiliadis has worked for the University of Cincinnati, in the United States, as assistant professor at the studio of James Tocco; he has been Juror of the OMTA (Ohio Music Teachers Association) competition, of the International Music Competition of Thessaloniki, Juror of the Dorothy Price Awards Competition - Mannes College of Music, New York, of the Yamaha Competition Athens and of the Emil Gilels Competiton in Odessa, Ukraine.
Mr. Vassiliadis won 11 awards in international and national piano competitions and managed to attract the attention of the international press as a recording artist, (since 1993 by Koch-Discover International) for his pianistical skill and serious musical thinking. In April 1997, his CD with works by Bartok, Scriabin, Poulenc Szymanowski is rated with four stars by BBC Music Magazine and in September 1997, and his Schumann -Brahms recording is praised by Charles Timbrell in Fanfare Music Magazine. Recently the “Listener Magazine” reviewed enthusiastically Mr. Vassiliadis recordings confirming the “emergence of a major virtuoso performer” (P. Meanor, winter edition 1999). The first world wide recording of the Piano Sonatas by Allen Sapp was commented by the American Record Guide as one of the best recordings of 2001. Finally the Gramophone Magazine, includes Vassiliadis recording of the Brahms – Paganini Variations among the “selected discography of the 20th century” ( B. Morrison, March 2003).
Other CD’s (by Aardvark Media) include a Chopin Album, a Tchaikovsky Album, orchestra repertoire with the Chamber Music Orchestra of Tuebingen ( Germany) and the Fairbanks Symphony ( USA) , an all Liszt-Mozart transcriptions and two recordings with works of Mendellsohn, Brahms and Schumann with the Ionian Piano Quartet (Amicme Classical).
Mr. Vassiliadis appeared in solo concerts, radio and television broadcasts in Greece, as well as in many other countries (Germany, USA, South Africa, Italy, England, France); he also appeared with orchestras (Kammerphilarmonie Prague, National Symphony Prague, Bangok Symphony, State Orchestra of Thessaloniki, Orchestra of Colours, Athens, etc.) with a variety of repertoire including works like the 2nd Tchaikovsky concerto or Liszt’s Malediction.
Mr. Vassiliadis has received a position as the director of the Synchrono Conservatory in 1998, where he was teaching piano for the late four years. He has also been active as the artistic director of the «Vertiskos» Summer Courses and the Coordinator of the Piano Studies in the Conservatory of East Macedonia in Kavala-Greece.
Since November 2002, he is appointed Assistant Professor for Piano in the Ionian University, Department of Music, in Corfu, Greece. In year 2005 was appointed Representative of the International Relationships of the Department. He holds the Artistic Coordination of the International Summer Academy and Festival of Corfu, as well as the coordination of the International Music Days in Brache ( Schleswig Holstein, Germany) and the “Deutsch- Griechisch Musik Tage” in Solingen, Germany.
Lambis can be contacted at lambisv@yahoo.com.