Young Scholars' Forum
Young Scholars' Forum Chair: Christina Banou, Irini Stamatoudi, Timoleon Kosmides, Nikos Koutras, Fereniki Panagopoulou
Τhe Young Scholars Forum opened in the 3th International Seminar on Information Law 2010,
in Corfu, Greece. The Forum hosted presentations from young scholars and researchers in
the early stages of their career, usually PhD candidates or young PhD holders. Until today,
more than thirty young scholars have presented their work in the ISIL/ICIL series and
have published their papers in the ISIL/ICIL proceedings. The forum offers
the invaluable opportunity of more mature researchers to attend and comment on the work of
younger scholars.
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 Araka Iliana [Technological Educational Institution of Thessaloniki - Greece]
Young Scholar
Iliana Araka
Adjunct Lecturer, Library and Information Science Department Technological Educational Institution of Thessaloniki - Greece
Title: Open Educational Resources and Freedom of Teaching in College Education in Greece: Rivals or fellows? Authors: Elisa Makridou, Iliana Araka, Nikos Koutras
SHORT CV Iliana Araka is a graduate of the Library and Information Science Department of the Technological Educational Institution (TEI) of Thessaloniki, Greece and holds a MSc in Library and Information Science from the Archive and Library Science Department, Ionian University. She is an adjunct lecturer at the Library and Information Science Department of TEI of Thessaloniki, Greece and she is also working as a librarian at the Qualitty Assurance Unit of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. In the past she has worked at the library of the TEI of Thessaloniki.
URL: conferences.ionio.gr/icil2012/young-scholars#141-araka
Last Updated: 28/06/2012 00:06 
 Atzamidaki Anthi [Ionian University - Greece]
Last Updated: 12/06/2012 17:03 
 Barmpagalou Angeliki [University of Athens - Greece]
Young Scholar
Angeliki Barmpagalou
School of Law, Economics and Political Sciences, Faculty of Law University of Athens - Greece
Title: Genetic privacy versus genetic solidarity: In the field of donation, and expectation of benefits in research biobanks Author: Barmpagalou Angeliki
URL: conferences.ionio.gr/icil2012/young-scholars#128-barmpagalou
Last Updated: 01/06/2012 17:14 
 Doukatas Maria [Librarian MSc - Greece]
Last Updated: 16/07/2012 15:55 
 Duah Ebenezer [Aberystwyth University - United Kingdom]
Young Scholar
Ebenezer Duah
PhD Candidate, Department of Law & Criminology Aberystwyth University - United Kingdom
Title: Copyright Industry’s Partnership with ISPs: Has the BitTorrent Technology Strengthened the Recent Focus? Author: Duah Ebenezer
SHORT CV Ebenezer's previous academic background covered a number of business and legal aspects of the content industries. After attaining a first class thesis at the Bachelor's level which focused on copyright issues in the digital distribution of files, and an LLM (with Merit) from the University of Westminster, London in 2007, he became more interested in the interface between law and technology and the effects of new technological developments on the law, hence opted to engage in a detailed study within internet piracy.
Ebenezer is currently pursuing his PhD at Aberystwyth University in the UK, and his study broadly falls under technology, rights and the law, with the thesis examining the feasibility to contain peer-to-peer illegal file-sharing.
URL: conferences.ionio.gr/icil2012/young-scholars#137-duah
Last Updated: 30/03/2012 02:45 
 Ducato Rossana [University of Trento - Italy]
Young Scholar
Rossana Ducato
Phd Candidate in Private Comparative Law Doctoral School "Studi Giuridici Europei e Comparati" The Trento Law and Technology Research Group Faculty of Law University of Trento - Italy
Title: Gattaca is already here? An Interdisciplinary Approach to Forensic Biobanks Authors: Rossana Ducato, Ilaria Marchi
SHORT CV Work experience
18/10/2010 →
Lawyer apprenticeship
Studio Legale Radice – Via Grazioli n. 43, Trento
1/11/2010 →
PhD Candidate in Private Comparative Law
Research and didactics
Department of Legal Science, University of Trento – Via Verdi n. 53, Trento
15/03/2011 →
Research on legal issues concerning the use of human biological sample for research purposes, having particular attention to the transplantation of cancerous tissues in animal models both for clinical and research; analysis and definition of legal forms and tools related to the implementation of a research biobank
University of Trento – Fondazione Piemonte per l’Oncologia - Fondazione per la Ricerca Biomedica ONLUS
Research and Legal
26/08/2011 – 15/12/2011
Research on Personal Health Records for the development of TreC
University of Trento – Province of Trento - Fondazione Bruno Kessler
Research and Legal
1/02/2012 →
Research on Public Health Law and Judgment Translation
Lawyers Collective, Jalaram Jyot, 63 Janmabhoomi Marg, Mumbai (India)
NGO on Public Health
Education and training
1/11/2010 →
PhD Candidate in Private Comparative Law
University of Trento
September 2008 – September 2010
Juris Doctor, Summa cum laude (110 cum laude/110)
University of Trento
Master in Law
June 2010
Research period
Cátedra Interuniversitaria de Derecho y Genoma Humano – Universidad de Deusto, Bilbao (Spain)
February – September 2007
Erasmus Student
27 C.F.U.
Facultad de Derecho – Universidad de Salamanca (Spain)
September 2004 – September 2008
Laurea in Scienze Giuridiche Europee e Transnazionali
University of Trento
Bachelor Degree in Law
September 1999 – July 2004
Diploma di maturità classica (100/100)
Liceo Ginnasio Classico Statale "Giovanni Meli"
Via Aldisio 2, 90100 Palermo
High School Leaving qualifications
URL: conferences.ionio.gr/icil2012/young-scholars#130-ducato
Last Updated: 05/06/2012 15:46 
 Kainu Ville [University of Turku - Finland]
Young Scholar
Ville Kainu
LLM student, Faculty of Law, M.Sc. student, Turku School of Economics University of Turku - Finland
Title: Between public and personal information - not prohibited, therefore permitted? Authors: Ville Kainu, Jani Koskinen
URL: conferences.ionio.gr/icil2012/young-scholars#118-kainu
Last Updated: 09/06/2012 14:39 
 Karoulia Zoi [Ionian University - Greece]
Young Scholar
Zoi Karoulia
Department of Archive and Library Science Ionian University - Greece
Title: The role of intellectual capital management in academic libraries: a review of the literature Authors: Zoi Karoulia, Michail Nerantzidis
URL: conferences.ionio.gr/icil2012/young-scholars#184-karoulia
Last Updated: 05/06/2012 16:11 
 Kolotourou Krystalenia [Ionian University - Greece]
Last Updated: 01/06/2012 17:18 
 Koskinen Jani [University of Turku - Finland]
Last Updated: 09/06/2012 14:37 
 Koutras Nikos [Ionian University - Greece]
Young Scholar
Nikos Koutras
MSc., PhD Cand. Ionian University - Greece
Title: Open Educational Resources and Freedom of Teaching in College Education in Greece: Rivals or fellows? Authors: Elisa Makridou, Iliana Araka, Nikos Koutras
SHORT CV Nikos Koutras is a graduate of political sciences and holds a Masters’ degree in the Archive and Library Science Department, Ionian University. He is a PhD candidate at the same University.
URL: conferences.ionio.gr/icil2012/young-scholars#140-koutras
Last Updated: 28/06/2012 00:07 
 Lachana Konstantia-Christine [Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - Greece]
Young Scholar
Konstantia-Christine Lachana
PhD Candidate, Faculty of Law, Department of Criminal & Criminological Sciences Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - Greece
Title: Elements of Convergence in the Historical Origins and Ideological Foundations of the US and European Privacy Law: The Nexus between the “Right to Be Let Alone” and Continental Jurisdictions Author: Lachana Konstantia-Christine
URL: conferences.ionio.gr/icil2012/young-scholars#044-lachana
Last Updated: 29/03/2012 16:43 
 Lee Yin Harn [University of Cambridge - United Kingdom]
Young Scholar
Yin Harn Lee
PhD candidate, Faculty of Law University of Cambridge - United Kingdom
Title: Copyright in Computer Programming Languages Author: Lee Yin Harn
October 2010 – Present
PhD Law
University of Cambridge (Darwin College & Faculty of Law), UK
Thesis: Copyright, Videogames and Videogame Mods, supervised by Professor Lionel Bently and Dr Catherine
October 2009 – June 2010
University of Cambridge (Darwin College & Faculty of Law), UK
Subjects: Intellectual Property, International Intellectual Property Law, Law of Restitution, Civil Liberties and Human Rights
Awarded second class upper honours
July 2003 – September 2007
University of Malaya (Faculty of Law), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Awarded Pass (with Honours) (with Distinction)
Cumulative grade point average: 3.85/4.00 Class rank: 2nd
November 2009 – July 2010
Research Assistant for Professor Lionel Bently. Carried out research in respect of the following publications:
L Bently, ‘Exclusions from Patentability and Exceptions from Patentees’ Rights: Taking Exceptions Seriously’ (2011) Current Legal Problems L Bently and JC Ginsburg, ‘“The Sole Right … Shall Return to the Authors”: Anglo-American Authors’ Reversion Rights from the Statute of Anne to Contemporary US Copyright’ (2010) 25 Berkeley Technology Law Journal 1475 – 1599
January 2009 – July 2009
Researcher, Centre of Excellence for Biodiversity Law, University of Malaya.
Carried out research on issues relating to food security, intellectual property rights affecting biodiversity (including plant variety protection) and access and benefit-sharing laws.
January 2009 – April 2009
Tutor in Constitutional Law and the Malaysian Legal System, Faculty of Law, University of Malaya.
Taught small group classes in these two first-year subjects and carried out assessments on the students’ performance
June 2008 – January 2009
Research Assistant for Professor Dr Cheong May Fong. Carried out research relating to contract law and competition law, including the following publication:
MF Cheong, Contract Law in Malaysia (Sweet & Maxwell, 2010)
July 2007 – April 2008
Pupil-in-Chambers, Messrs Shook Lin & Bok, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Carried out legal research and drafted both contentious and non-contentious legal documents in diverse areas, including banking law, contract law, insurance law, the regulation of corporations and capital markets; assisted in the conduct of corporate due diligence exercises.
URL: conferences.ionio.gr/icil2012/young-scholars#050-lee
Last Updated: 27/06/2012 23:58 
 Makridou Elisa [Technological Educational Institution of Thessaloniki - Greece]
Young Scholar
Elisa Makridou
Adjunct Lecturer, LIS Department Technological Educational Institution of Thessaloniki - Greece
Title: Open Educational Resources and Freedom of Teaching in College Education in Greece: Rivals or fellows? Authors: Elisa Makridou, Iliana Araka, Nikos Koutras
SHORT CV Elisa Makridou is a graduate of Information Science (Ionian University), holds a Master's degree (DEA/ University of Barcelona, Spain) and is a PhD candidate at the same University. Currently, she is an adjunct Lecturer at the LIS Department of the Technological Educational Institution (TEI) of Thessaloniki, Greece and works as a librarian for the “Metsovio” Technical University of Athens. She has worked as a repository manager in the Library of TEI. She has attended many seminars and conferences, as a speaker in some of them. Among her interests are: institutional repositories, open access, metadata and information retrieval, information architecture, information literacy and academic libraries.
URL: conferences.ionio.gr/icil2012/young-scholars#142-makridou
Last Updated: 28/06/2012 00:07 
 Maranga Souzana [Museologist - Greece]
Last Updated: 17/04/2012 12:40 
 Marchi Ilaria [University of Trento - Italy]
Young Scholar
Ilaria Marchi
PhD Candidate in Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Legal Philosophy University of Trento - Italy
Title: Gattaca is already here? An Interdisciplinary Approach to Forensic Biobanks Authors: Rossana Ducato, Ilaria Marchi
SHORT CV Work experience
PhD Candidate in Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Legal Philosophy
Research and Didactics
University of Trento
01/11/2010 →
PhD Candidate in Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Legal Philosophy
Research and Didactics
20/02/2012 - 21/04/2012
Member of the organizing committee for the First District Legal Congress
Organization of the work-shop
Ordini degli Avvocati di Trento – Bolzano - Rovereto
10/04/2010 - 10/08/2010
Tribunale di Trento
Criminal law - research topic focused on the relationship between security and human rights
24/06/2011 - 25/07/2011
Certificate of Partecipation
Summer School - Legal Studies course
BBSI - Bournemouth Business School International
Bournemouth (United Kingdom)
09/2003 - 10/03/2010
Juris Doctor
Curriculum in European and Transnational Law Studies
University of Trento
Master Degree in Law - Laurea Magistrale a ciclo unico
09/1998 - 07/2003
Diploma di maturità
Liceo scientifico ad indirizzo linguistico
Liceo Leonardo da Vinci, Italy
High School Leaving qualification
URL: conferences.ionio.gr/icil2012/young-scholars#129-marchi
Last Updated: 05/06/2012 15:48 
 Nerantzidis Michail [Panteion University - Greece]
Young Scholar
Michail Nerantzidis
Department of Public Administration Panteion University - Greece
Title: The role of intellectual capital management in academic libraries: a review of the literature Authors: Zoi Karoulia, Michail Nerantzidis
URL: conferences.ionio.gr/icil2012/young-scholars#185-nerantzidis
Last Updated: 05/06/2012 16:12 
 Nikita Maria [University of Macedonia - Greece - Greece]
Young Scholar
Maria Nikita
PhD student University of Macedonia - Greece - Greece
Title: RFID chips and EU e-passports: the end of privacy? Author: Nikita Maria
SHORT CV Nikita Maria is a PhD student in the Department of Applied Informatics at the University of Macedonia. She graduated from the Applied Informatics Department of the University of Macedonia and received her master’s degree on Informatics and Management at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Her PhD research concentrates on the implementation of privacy and data protection principles in applications supported by the RFID technology, focusing specifically to the privacy and security risks that arise through its use
URL: conferences.ionio.gr/icil2012/young-scholars#027-nikita
Last Updated: 24/06/2012 23:19 
 Panagos Konstantinos I. [University of Athens - Greece]
Young Scholar
Konstantinos I. Panagos
Postgraduate student in sociology of law University of Athens - Greece
Title: Publication of personal data as an additional form of punishment: the case of registration laws for sex offenders in contemporary western societies Author: Panagos Konstantinos I.
SHORT CV Konstantinos Panagos studied law at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. He continued his studies as a postgraduate student at London School of Economics and Political Science (MSc in Criminal Justice Policy). He is currently a postgraduate student in sociology of law at National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and an intern at Prosecutors’ Office.
URL: conferences.ionio.gr/icil2012/young-scholars#166-panagos
Last Updated: 30/04/2012 13:12 
 Pathiakaki Eleana [Researcher - Greece]
Last Updated: 18/05/2012 17:59 
 Politis Dimitrios [Librarian - Greece]
Last Updated: 16/07/2012 15:56 
 Rrustemi Arlinda [Leiden University - Netherlands]
Young Scholar
Arlinda Rrustemi
PhDc., Research and Teaching Assistant, Grotius Centre Leiden University - Netherlands
Title: Data Protection Act – An implemented act or an ideal outcome of legal theory? Authors: Arlinda Rrustemi, Vagelis Varfis
URL: conferences.ionio.gr/icil2012/young-scholars#156-rrustemi
Last Updated: 20/04/2012 15:18 
 Spatha Despina D. [Athens Bar Association - Greece]
Young Scholar
Despina D. Spatha
Attorney-at-Law, LLM in IT law Athens Bar Association - Greece
Title: Regulating privacy on Online Social Networks (OSNs), possibility or utopia in the digital era? Author: Spatha Despina D.
URL: conferences.ionio.gr/icil2012/young-scholars#037-spatha
Last Updated: 31/05/2012 12:55 
 Stamatopoulos Fotis G. [University of Athens - Greece]
Young Scholar
Fotis G. Stamatopoulos
Lawyer, Mag. Jur., LL.M., PhD cand. University of Athens - Greece
Title: EU Regulation on Access Providers: Is there enough room for the accommodation of non-profit self-sustainable networks? Author: Stamatopoulos Fotis G.
URL: conferences.ionio.gr/icil2012/young-scholars#017-stamatopoulos
Last Updated: 01/07/2012 11:18 
 Strikwerda Litska [University of Twente - Netherlands]
Last Updated: 01/06/2012 16:20 
 Tsiaklagkanou Dimitra [University of Paris 1 – Panthéon-Sorbonne - France]
Young Scholar
Dimitra Tsiaklagkanou
PhD student University of Paris 1 – Panthéon-Sorbonne - France
Title: Intellectual property versus data protection in the Internet Author: Tsiaklagkanou Dimitra
SHORT CV She graduated from Athens Law School in 2004. She is a holder of a DEA Droit des Affaires (University of Strasbourg, 2005) and a PhD on Information Law (“Electronic distribution networks”, University of Athens, 2012).
She has a working experience in Law Fims in Athens, Brussels and Paris and spesializes in Information Law, Banking Law, Competition Law, Public Procurement.
URL: conferences.ionio.gr/icil2012/young-scholars#059-tsiaklagkanou
Last Updated: 05/07/2012 13:55 
 Velissaropoulos Elli [CEIPI - France]
Young Scholar
Elli Velissaropoulos
"European and International Intellectual Property Law CEIPI - France
Title: Free licensing as a means to revise copyright Author: Velissaropoulos Elli
SHORT CV Education
2011-2012 Master 2 in European and International Intellectual Property Law CEIPI
2010-2011 Master 1 in Private Law
Paris II, Panthéon-Assas
2008-2010 Bachelor of Laws
Paris II, Panthéon-Assas
2006-2007 LLCE English, 1 st year Paris IV, Paris-Sorbonne
12 July 2006 Baccalaureate in Literature
Work experience
July 2009 Internship at Fortsakis, Diakopoulos, Mylonogiannis & Associates Law Firm, (www.fdmalaw.com) Athens, Greece
September 2008 Host at « ModAmont » fair, (www.modamont.com)
Villepinte, FranceJuly 2007 Internship at Ioannis Karakostas Law Office, Athens, Greece
URL: conferences.ionio.gr/icil2012/young-scholars#067-velissaropoulos
Last Updated: 05/06/2012 15:56 
 Vermeulen Mathias [European University Institute (IT) - Italy]
Young Scholar
Mathias Vermeulen
Research Fellow - Phd Candidate - Centre for Law, Science and Technology (LSTS) at VUB (BE) European University Institute (IT) - Italy
Title: Privacy and data protection aspects of European ‘smart’ security technologies and policies Author: Vermeulen Mathias
SHORT CV Mathias Vermeulen is a Research Fellow at the Law Faculty of the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence, a part-time researcher at the Research Group on Law, Science, Technology & Society (LSTS) at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) and a member of Privacy International's advisory board. At the European University Institute he was the main researcher of Prof. Martin Scheinin in his capacity as United Nations Special Rapporteur on the protection of human rights while countering terrorism between July 2008 and July 2011. Earlier he has worked at the International Commission of Jurists and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Geneva.
URL: conferences.ionio.gr/icil2012/young-scholars#132-vermeulen
Last Updated: 30/03/2012 13:44 
 Vrachni Georgia [University of Athens - Greece]
Last Updated: 07/08/2012 17:14 
 Xanthoulis Napoleon [University College London (UCL) - United Kingdom]
Young Scholar
Napoleon Xanthoulis
Faculty of Laws, Volume Editor, UCL Jurisprudence Review (2011/2012) University College London (UCL) - United Kingdom
Title: The Right to Oblivion as an Expression of the Human Right to Privacy Author: Xanthoulis Napoleon
SHORT CV Napoleon Emm. Xanthoulis holds a MA in ‘National and EU Administration’ and currently studies at University College London (UCL), Faculty of Laws where has been appointed as the Volume Editor of the UCL Jurisprudence Review (2011-2012). He has published papers on specialised issues of EU law and policy as well as E-democracy and justice and his paper on ‘Introducing the concept of ‘E-Justice’ in Europe was published as part of his cooperation with the “Effectius” initiative. He has previously worked at the European Commission and several law firms in Brussels.
His current research interests focus on the introduction of a legal “Right to Oblivion” in the digital world in light of the broader re-conceptualization of human-rights towards addressing potential threats from the ICT evolution.
URL: conferences.ionio.gr/icil2012/young-scholars#159-xanthoulis
Last Updated: 26/04/2012 13:53 
 Yiannoukakou Katerina [University of Macedonia - Greece]
Young Scholar
Katerina Yiannoukakou
PhD candidate, Electronic Government at Applied Informatics Department University of Macedonia - Greece
Title: Personal Data and Public Information Author: Yiannoukakou Katerina
SHORT CV Aikaterini Yiannoukakou was born in Thessaloniki in 1975, which is her current place of residence. She is an information professional graduated from Library and Information Systems Department, Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki in 1997, whereas she concluded her postgraduate studies in University College London (UCL) in 2001 with the title of her postgraduate thesis being “Computer Generated Evidence”. Currently, she is working on her doctoral thesis baring the title “Electronic Government: legal issues and applications” as a PhD candidate of Applied Informatics Department, University of Macedonia.
Since 2003, she has been an adjunct lecturer to the Library and Information Systems Department, Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki, while she has worked to several academic libraries both in Greece and United Kingdom. At present she is working to General State Archives – Archives of Larissa District, a decentralised public service of Ministry of Education, Lifelong Learning & Religious Affairs.
Her interests focus information dissemination and management, information technology, information technology law, library science, e-government, ICT in public administration, computer crime, computer forensics, computer law.
URL: conferences.ionio.gr/icil2012/young-scholars#078-yiannoukakou
Last Updated: 29/03/2012 20:38 
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Artwork: R. Theodorou
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A Piano Recital for the 5th ICIL 2012
“The teachings of Victor Karpovich or how to approach Clara”
Presenting works by Fineberg, Brahms, Schumann
by Lambis Vassiliadis
Saturday 30 June, 2012
21.00, Ionian Academy
ICIL 2012 participants may enter the recital free. Because the recital is organized for charity, for the benefit and support of disadvantaged students, we recommend an entirely voluntary contribution of 10 euros.
Lambis Vassiliadis is one of the most distinguished pianists of the younger generation.
He has travelled and played all over the world and has received the most positive reviews.
Vassiliadis is an Associate Professor of the Ionian University, Musical Studies Department.
For more information, see www.lambis.vassiliadis.org.
A distinguished Greek pianist of the younger generation, Mr. Lambis Vassiliadis represents an impressive style of explosive pianism and artistic sensibility.
Privileged to study near to pianists like Yalta Menouhin, Victor Merzhanov, Jerome Rose and James Tocco, he managed to obtain five academic titles from Universities and Music Academies around the world (Greece- Germany- England- USA)-all with distinctions and honors. He also holds a degree in Philosophy by the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.
Mr. Vassiliadis has worked for the University of Cincinnati, in the United States, as assistant professor at the studio of James Tocco; he has been Juror of the OMTA (Ohio Music Teachers Association) competition, of the International Music Competition of Thessaloniki, Juror of the Dorothy Price Awards Competition - Mannes College of Music, New York, of the Yamaha Competition Athens and of the Emil Gilels Competiton in Odessa, Ukraine.
Mr. Vassiliadis won 11 awards in international and national piano competitions and managed to attract the attention of the international press as a recording artist, (since 1993 by Koch-Discover International) for his pianistical skill and serious musical thinking. In April 1997, his CD with works by Bartok, Scriabin, Poulenc Szymanowski is rated with four stars by BBC Music Magazine and in September 1997, and his Schumann -Brahms recording is praised by Charles Timbrell in Fanfare Music Magazine. Recently the “Listener Magazine” reviewed enthusiastically Mr. Vassiliadis recordings confirming the “emergence of a major virtuoso performer” (P. Meanor, winter edition 1999). The first world wide recording of the Piano Sonatas by Allen Sapp was commented by the American Record Guide as one of the best recordings of 2001. Finally the Gramophone Magazine, includes Vassiliadis recording of the Brahms – Paganini Variations among the “selected discography of the 20th century” ( B. Morrison, March 2003).
Other CD’s (by Aardvark Media) include a Chopin Album, a Tchaikovsky Album, orchestra repertoire with the Chamber Music Orchestra of Tuebingen ( Germany) and the Fairbanks Symphony ( USA) , an all Liszt-Mozart transcriptions and two recordings with works of Mendellsohn, Brahms and Schumann with the Ionian Piano Quartet (Amicme Classical).
Mr. Vassiliadis appeared in solo concerts, radio and television broadcasts in Greece, as well as in many other countries (Germany, USA, South Africa, Italy, England, France); he also appeared with orchestras (Kammerphilarmonie Prague, National Symphony Prague, Bangok Symphony, State Orchestra of Thessaloniki, Orchestra of Colours, Athens, etc.) with a variety of repertoire including works like the 2nd Tchaikovsky concerto or Liszt’s Malediction.
Mr. Vassiliadis has received a position as the director of the Synchrono Conservatory in 1998, where he was teaching piano for the late four years. He has also been active as the artistic director of the «Vertiskos» Summer Courses and the Coordinator of the Piano Studies in the Conservatory of East Macedonia in Kavala-Greece.
Since November 2002, he is appointed Assistant Professor for Piano in the Ionian University, Department of Music, in Corfu, Greece. In year 2005 was appointed Representative of the International Relationships of the Department. He holds the Artistic Coordination of the International Summer Academy and Festival of Corfu, as well as the coordination of the International Music Days in Brache ( Schleswig Holstein, Germany) and the “Deutsch- Griechisch Musik Tage” in Solingen, Germany.
Lambis can be contacted at lambisv@yahoo.com.